Niko Dowhos - Lakehead University

  • Position Athlete
  • Birthdate 2001
  • Program Applied Life Sciences
  • Year of Study 1
  • Eligibility 2
  • Hometown Thunder Bay, ON
  • High School Hammarskjold

Performances 2024/25

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter6.79Lakehead Season OpenerNov 30th
60 Meter6.75Thunderwolves OpenJan 11th
60 Meter6.74Jack Johnson ClassicJan 24th
60 Meter6.71Harvard InvitationalJan 31st
60 Meter6.65OUA Track and Field ChampionshipsFeb 21st

Performances 2023/24

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter6.76CSS OpenerDec 9th
60 Meter6.75McGill Team Challenge 2024Jan 26th
60 Meter6.67OUA Track and Field ChampionshipsFeb 23rd

Performances 2022/23

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter6.84Lakehead Season OpenerDec 3rd
60 Meter6.83Can AmsJan 13th
50 Meter (non ranking)5.93Knights of Columbus Indoor GamesJan 27th
60 Meter6.88Maday ClassicFeb 11th
60 Meter6.80OUA Track and Field ChampsFeb 24th
60 Meter6.85USports ChampionshipsMar 9th

Performances 2021/22

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter6.92Jim Daly Bisons Classic 2.0Feb 25th
60 Meter6.91York Last ChanceMar 11th
60 Meter6.85OUA ChampsMar 18th
60 Meter6.79U Sports Indoor ChampionshipsMar 31st

Performances 2019/20

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter6.94Lakehead Season OpenerNov 30th
60 Meter7.02LU Vs The WorldJan 11th
200 Meter (non ranking)23.03LU Vs The WorldJan 11th
60 Meter6.96McGill Team ChallengeJan 24th
60 Meter6.93McGill Team ChallengeJan 24th
60 Meter6.93UWS Yellowjacket OpenFeb 15th
60 Meter6.89OUA ChampionshipsFeb 21st
60 Meter6.94OUA ChampionshipsFeb 21st
60 Meter6.87OUA ChampionshipsFeb 21st
60 Meter6.91U Sports Track & Field ChampionshipsMar 5th
60 Meter6.89U Sports Track & Field ChampionshipsMar 5th
60 Meter6.96Jim Daly Bison ClassicFeb 4th

Team Roster - Lakehead University


Name Sex Birthdate Program Elig. Hometown
Ballantyne, MatthewMUnknown2
Billing, WyattM2003Nursing1Burford
Blazino, AdamMUnknown
Buxton, LeifM2003Applied Life Sciences1Burnstown
Carrigan, StephaneMUnknown2
Carson-Pedri, NicholasM2004Mechanical Engineering1Shelburne
Clancy, JacobM1999Mechanical Engineering1inverary
Coccimiglio, NoahM2003Nursing1Thunder Bay
Dobson, JettM2002Honours Bachelor of Science, Biophysics1Thunder Bay
Dowhos, NikoM2001Applied Life Sciences2Thunder Bay, ON
Dowhoszya, ColtonM2001Kinesiology1Thunder Bay
Fay, ScottMUnknown1
Foran, TristanM2000Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism1Kent Bridge
Ford, DylanM2000Business3Thunder Bay
Gharsali, RamiM1993Master's of Education3Sousse
Giertuga, DevinM2001Nursing2thunder bay
Harris, ZacharyM2000Concurrent Education2London
Holenstein, SimonMUnknown1
Holmes, MaddoxMUnknown1
Hudec, StephenMUnknown
Johnson, XyonMUnknown1
Koidjos, LuisM1999Mechanical Engineering1Edmonton
Laoye, ZionM1997Master's of Engineering1Lagos
Lawson, BenjaminM2003Chemistry with medical sciences1Thunder Bay
Legaree, GrantM1998Education1Atikokan
Lehman, AndrewM1999Mechanical Engineering1Medicine Hat
Lightwood, NicholasM2004Kinesiology1Thunder Bay
Loree-Spacek, LukeMUnknownMechanical Engineering1Thunder Bay
MacIntosh, ConnorM19973
Mann, EricMUnknown1
Mayer, TysonM2001Education2Calgary
McDonough, WilliamM19992
McLean, HunterM2003Electrical Engineering1Thunder Bay
McWhirter, NoahMUnknown1
Mills, OskarMUnknown1
Mohammed, AmeerM2004Nursing1Thunder Bay
Nunez, PaulM1997Education1Toronto
Osawe, AnnointingM2001Nursing (Compressed)1Toronto
Owolabi, IgbagboMUnknown
Patterson, DerekM19984
Phillips, DarionM2000Political Science and Economics2Mt. St. George, Trinidad and Tobago
Prochnicki, BraedanM1999Kinesiology3Thunder Bay
Pullenayegem, JaaronM1997Law1Richmond Hill
Renn, OwenMUnknown1
Sacino, MatthewM2002HBA Psychology1Thunder Bay
Shaw, TimothyM2003Computer science1Thunder Bay
Stieh, GabeMUnknown1
Turek, JacobMUnknown
Warwick, ColinM2000Biology3Thunder Bay
Webster, AidenM2003Kinesiology1Toronto
Wilson, TrentMUnknown
Boardman, EveF2003Political Science1Phoenix
Boardman, QuinnF2003Business1Phoenix
Bryson, MeganF2001
Carter, ElizabethF1997Social Work1Dryden
DaSilva, AlyF2003BSc Psychology1Thunder Bay
DaSilva, EllaFUnknown1
Fontaine, AbbyF1999Kinesiology2Thunder Bay
Gula, HannahF1998Business1Thunder Bay
Kobe, PaigeF19994
Lampo, TiaF1999Kinesiology4Thunder Bay
Lucas, KathrineF2001Mathematical Physics2Pickering, ON
Marshall, AveryF2004Kinesiology1Thunder Bay
McCready, SheridanFUnknown1
Mihalcin, EmilyF1995Kinesiology1Thunder Bay
Niemi, MaijaFUnknown
Pyle, RebekkahF1999Kinesiology4Burlington, ON
Sharp, RowanF2004English1Thunder Bay
Sheare, AlexaFUnknown1
Sloan, KaitlynFUnknown1
Spain, AshleyF2002Kinesiology1Simcoe
Stieh, AmyF2001Physics2Thunder Bay
White, SydneyF2002Honours Bachelors of Psychology Science1Thunder Bay
Whybourne , CorrinaF1996Women and Gender Studies1Thunder Bay