Myriam Deslandes - Université de Montréal

  • Position Athlete
  • Birthdate 2003
  • Program Génie mécanique
  • Eligibility 3

Performances 2024/25

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter8.07McGill Martlet OpenNov 30th
600 Meter1:35.84*Rouge et Or invitationDec 7th
300 Meter40.36*Vert et Or invitationJan 11th
600 Meter1:36.64UOttawa - Winter ClassicJan 17th
60 Meter7.96McGill Team ChallengeJan 24th
300 Meter40.26McGill Team ChallengeJan 24th
400 Meter (non ranking)57.10Boston University Bruce Lehane Scarlett and White InviteFeb 8th
300 Meter39.95Carleton Ravens U-Sport Last ChanceFeb 14th
300 Meter40.02*Championnat RSEQFeb 21st

Performances 2023/24

Event Perf. Meet Date
300 Meter41.34*Vert et Or invitationJan 13th
300 Meter41.37McGill Team Challenge 2024Jan 26th
400 Meter (non ranking)58.01BU David Hemery Valentine InvitationalFeb 9th
300 Meter40.99Carleton Ravens U-Sport Last ChanceFeb 16th
600 Meter9:59.99Carleton Ravens U-Sport Last ChanceFeb 16th
300 Meter41.22*Championnat RSEQFeb 23rd

Performances 2022/23

Event Perf. Meet Date
60 Meter8.31Martlet OpenNov 26th
300 Meter42.45Martlet OpenNov 26th
300 Meter41.09*Vert et Or InvitationJan 14th
600 Meter1:39.30McGill Team ChallengeJan 27th
400 Meter (non ranking)58.06Thé Bruce Lehane Scarlet and white invitationalFeb 4th
600 Meter1:36.92Ravens Last Chance MeetFeb 17th
600 Meter1:37.31RSEQ Track and Field ChampsFeb 24th
300 Meter41.35RSEQ Track and Field ChampsFeb 24th

Team Roster - Université de Montréal


Name Sex Birthdate Program Elig. Hometown
Alcéna, Giovanni MarvenM20051
Bayard-Fournier, EmerickM20041
Bédard, SébastienM20042
Berrichi, NazimM2000Génie électrique5
Blasczyk, AugustinM2004Mathématiques/économie3
Bositampen, RabbiM19992
Brennan, LucM20042
Chevalier, GrégoireM20022
Colsell, AlexM20051
Demarbre, LoicM20014
Diop, El Hadj SaliouM20042
Durand, AdrienM20003
Durbain, ThomasM2001Génie mécanique5
Fassaya, JudicaelM19971
Freiburger, PietroM19971
Gars, NathanM2004Études internationales3
Geysens, ThomasM20051
Gueguen, JulesM20001
Guité, Louis-SimonM20005
Haddad, JosephM1998Éduc. physique et santé3
Hébert, ThierryM20001
Henry, MatisM20031
Jean-Pierre, AdrienM20005
Labelle Cossios, MateoM20041
Lapointe, ÉmileM2003Génie mécanique3
Larochelle, AlexisM19991
Latour, FrancisM19995
Lavallée, FélixM20013
Laviolette, ThomasM2000Génie aérospatial4
Mailloux Collin, DavidM20021
Mangue, EvannM20002
Marneris, JimmyM19992
Martin, AnthonyM20032
Momo Nanfack, HansM20051
Mompoint, GabrielM20021
Mougeolle, ClémentM19985
Mukendi, Tshibangu KemyM2003Ergothérapie2
Nached, GabrielM20032
Ouardirhi, KarimM20001
Pellerin, ÉmileM20001
Poirier, ChristopheM20031
Poulin, Louis-PhilippeM20041
Prince, SimonM20001
Renélique, TaylorM1999Administration des affaires4
Riopel, NicolasM19995
Roy, ZedM20003
Sanvi, Ohini YanisM1999Neurosciences5
Satomura, AtsushiM1999Communication/politique3
St-Germain, AlexandreM20041
St-Pierre, VincentM20032
Aucoin, LéaroseF20043
Blagogee, EyramF20052
Boisvert, LaurieF2003Ergothérapie3
Bouchard, ÉliseF20041
Boyer, MérédithF20022
Bricard, SidonieF20052
Chabaud, LénaF20052
Champagne, JustineF20021
Corriveau-Tozzi, LaetitiaF2002Sciences biomédicales3
Deslandes, MyriamF2003Génie mécanique3
Dionne, FlorenceF19992
Fournier, JiaF20042
Gal, KlaraF20052
Garant, ArielleF20061
Garnier, MarineF2000Droit5
Hoang-Yip, CoralieF20021
Langevin, LauraF20012
Lauzon, Nethania KimF20021
Leblanc, VictoriaF20012
Mason-Monestable, ReiF20021
Mostel, TinaF20042
Paquin, GenevièveF1998Médecine5
Parent-Delgadillo, DoraF20042
Phan, AdrianaF20014
Portillo-Laflamme, ÉlianaF20051
Racine-Prud'homme, André-AnneF2002Médecine3
Roux, LaurenceF19981
Thevenot, AliceF20021
Traoré, HouriaF2003Microbiologie et immunologie3
Vallée, JuliaF20041
Virdi, BakhshinderF20001
Wild, JosephineF20001
Yesli, CélineF19971