Skills Challenge Waiver
WHEREAS the Participant named below wishes to participate in the West Coast Goju-kai Invitational
Skills Challenge to be held in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada on March 8nd, 2 0 2 5 (the “Skills
Challenge”), organized by the West Coast Goju-kai Karate (“the Skills Challenge Organizer”); and
THEREFORE, in consideration of the Participant’s participation in the Skills Challenge, and for other good
and valuable consideration, (print name), (“the Participant”) and
(print name), "the Guardian"), hereby record and acknowledge the
1. I acknowledge that numerous risks, dangers and hazards are inherent in the Skills Challenge
and attendant activities, namely: death or personal bodily or head injury, whether serious, permanent,
or life-threatening or not, including without limitation bruises, strains, sprains, bleeding, and broken
bones, howsoever caused, whether by other competitors, brutality in competition, by slip-and-fall or
other loss of balance or control, by unforeseen actions or inactions by other participants or
Organizer, coaches, or managers, or by equipment failure, misuse, or failure to use; food poisoning;
property damage and/or loss; physical, emotional and mental issues; dehydration and over-hydration;
self-administration of first aid; the effects of the weather, including the possibility of fire, hurricane,
flood, storms and other natural disasters or events outside of human control, or other events of force
majeure; risks involved in public and private transportation of any kind to activities of the Skills
Challenge; the condition of the Skills Challenge facilities; and risks of civil unrest, and the criminal acts of
others, including terrorism (“the Risks”). I agree such Risks are fully familiar to the Participant.
2. I freely consent to the Participant’s participation in the Skills Challenge and attendant activities,
despite the Risks. I freely accept and fully assume allsuch Risks, and to take full responsibility for the
safety and well-being of the Participant.
3. I acknowledge and agree that the Participant should not participate in the Skills Challenge unless
he/she is medically able.
4. In case of any medical emergency involving the Participant, I consent to the release of any and
all medical information regarding the Participant, as the case may be, to the authorized medical
personnel at the Skills Challenge, and at the location of any of its attendant activities, and at any hospital
or other medical facility, that is required for such personnel to perform all necessary treatments for the
benefit of the Participant.
5. I consent for the Skills Challenge Organizer to use the image, likeness, video, photograph, and/or
other recording, and/or the name of the Participant for lawful purposes, which include without
limitation such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and website content.
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6. Pursuant to the above consent, the Participant/Guardian waives any and all entitlement to
institute legal action against the Skills Challenge Organizer, its directors, officers, partners,
instructors, coaches, leaders, volunteers, staff, committees, employees, representatives,
contractors, members, other parents/guardians, other participants, and any others participating in or
associated in any capacity directly or indirectly with or in the Skills Challenge, together with all of their
respective successors, assigns, personal representatives, heirs, next of kin, administrators,
representatives and executors (collectively “the Released Parties”), under any circumstances
whatsoever, for any claim, loss, damage, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience, or personal injury
(fatal or otherwise), howsoever arising and of whatsoever nature and sustained (“the Claims”), by
the Participant, or any third party, arising directly or indirectly from the Participant participating in the
Skills Challenge, whether as participant per se, spectator or otherwise, irrespective of whether or not
some may have been caused or constituted by the Risks, or any willful act, omission, negligence
(including gross negligence), or default.
7. The Participant/Guardian releases and discharges each of the Released Parties from and against:
any and all such Claims; from any responsibility or blame for any item of property that the Participant
own or which is in the possession of the Participant that may be lost, damaged and/or stolen; and from
any and all Claims that may arise or be occasioned by any first aid or medical treatment or services
rendered to the Participant.
8. The Participant hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the Released Parties from and against
any and all Claims arising directly or indirectly from the presence of the Participant, and/or the
Participant participating in the Skills Challenge, whether as participant per se, spectator or otherwise,
irrespective of whether or not same is foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown, or may have been
caused or constituted by the Risks, or by any wilful act, misconduct, breach of contract, breach of duty
of care, omission, negligence (including gross negligence), or default.
9. I acknowledge and understand the above Consent, Waiver and Indemnity and the extent and
import thereof, and that the acceptance of the Risks is fair and reasonable given the nature of the Skills
Challenge and attendant activities.
10. This Agreement is effective and binding upon the heirs, next-of-kin, executors, administrators,
assigns and representatives of, and anyone else who may claim on behalf of the Participant, and is non-
11. The law of the Province of British Columbia governs the interpretation and adjudication of this
Agreement, and the courts of the Province of British Columbia have exclusive jurisdiction over this