ACCEPTANCE OF RISKS I acknowledge and am aware that there exists risk of personal and physical injury or harm with the activities and exercises associated with track and field. I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in track and field activities for the 2023 membership year with complete knowledge of the risks involved. While Pearlgate and its coaches will take every effort to ensure my safety, I expressly assume and accept sole responsibility for my safety and for any and all injuries that may occur during or as a result of my participation in track and field, which may include but are not limited to: • Soft tissue injuries, head injuries, bruises, scrapes and other injuries including death that may result from tripping, falling, or landing incorrectly as I participate in track and field events; • Soft tissue injuries, head injuries, internal injuries, and other injuries including death, that may result from vigorous physical exertion RELEASE OF LIABILITY I also acknowledge and agree to hold harmless Pearlgate Track and Field Club Inc., including its coaches, volunteers, officials, directors, other representatives, agents, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, damages, risks of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected to my participation in the Pearlgate track and field activities, including negligence by its coaches, volunteers, officials, or other representatives. This waiver and release of liability includes, but is not limited to personal injury or property damage that may occur during or as a result of my participation in any Pearlgate track and field activities for the 2023 membership year, which includes but is not limited to practices, competitions and other events at the Pearlgate Track and Field Complex; MUN Fieldhouse; Powerplex Complex; or any other destination including travel, that I may choose to attend. The terms contained above regarding waiver and release of liability shall survive the expiry or termination of my 2023 Pearlgate Membership.