(CHECK ONLY IF YOU AGREE) Photograph and Name Usage Release Waiver

By checking this box I agree to permit Kajaks Track and Field Club to take one or more photographs of me and/or my child(ren) to use, reproduce and to release to others such images whether in print, digital or electronic formats without payment or any other compensation to me and/or my child(ren), for any Club purposes. Such purposes may include using them in Kajaks Club publications, posters, brochures, online/internet or other media for promotional, social, recreational, research, good will and archival purposes. Kajaks may also provide these images to a third party providing a service to Kajaks for use in connection to providing that service such as advertising, social media networking, event promotion. Extent of Use: Furthermore, I agree and acknowledge that my image or that of my child may be seen worldwide via the internet or printed media. Usage: Furthermore, I agree not to sue Kajaks Track and Field Club, or its employees, officials, volunteers, representatives, agents or contractors or bring claims against them of any nature in connection to any matters referred to in this Photograph Waiver/Release including, without limitation, the use, reproductions or release of my image or that of my child(ren). Name Usage: Furthermore, I also agree to the inclusion of my name and/or that of my child(ren) in connection to any of the matters referred to herein. Personal contact information will be treated as confidential, subject to statutory requirements, lawful orders or directives, unless you consent in writing to a further request for its release. By providing your signature below you accept this waiver/release and all the terms stated herein. Athlete’s aged 18+ may sign this waiver otherwise the signature of the athlete’s parent/guardian is required. For more information or questions please contact the team manager at info@kajaks.ca