Photo Release
I, the undersigned, give permission to the Athletics Alberta, and/or parties
designated by Athletics Alberta to photograph/video me and use such
photograph(s)/video(s) in all forms of media, for any and all promotional purposes
including advertising, display, audiovisual, exhibition or editorial use.
Athletics will not the use of any individuals name in connection with the photograph(s)/video(s). If
needed by Athletics Alberta and/or parties designated by the Athletics Alberta and association represenative will contact the indvidual for consent to use their name.
I understand and agree that I will not receive any payment for my time or expenses or
any royalty for the publication of the photograph(s)/video(s) or the use of my name and I
hereby release Athletics Alberta and/or any parties designated by Athletics Alberta from any such claims.
I certify that I have read and fully understand this consent and release, and that all
questions pertaining to this consent have been answered to my satisfaction.