Penticton Athlete's Code of Conduct


In registering as an Athlete Member (all types) of BC Athletics and within the context of the activities of Athletics an individual agrees to take part in a spirit of fair play, honesty and within the rules and regulations of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics.

As such the Athlete member is expected to:

-Compete/participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty.

-Compete/participate within the rules of Athletics.

-Avoid the use, advocating, condoning, promotion and distribution of banned substances, cases and methods as outlined in the handbook on Drug Classification published by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport.

-Refrain from using tobacco products within the competition arena and/or competition area.

-Refrain from using alcohol at athletic events (Athletics and other sport activities) or in victory celebrations at the competition site.

-Refrain from using profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the context of the activities of Athletics.

-Address fellow athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, event organizers, spectators and others associated with Athletics in a courteous and respectful manner.

-Act in a manner that will bring credit to the Athletics Community and yourself, both within and outside the competition arena and/or competition area.

-Respect an individual’s dignity; verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment, abuse, or bullying are unacceptable. (Please refer to the BC Athletics Harassment Policy)

-Ensure the safety of others when taking part in your Athletics activity.

Individuals registering as Athlete members of BC Athletics are advised that by doing so they are agreeing to adhere to this and other policies, rules, regulations, by-laws and constitution of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics.

I have read the above statements and agree to abide by the PETC Athletes’ Code of Conduct.