PARENT/VOLUNTEER CODE OF CONDUCT An individual who accepts the position of VOLUNTEER within the context of the activities of Athletics, agrees to accept the responsibilities as outlined to them and will complete the duties for the agreed to period. As a volunteer in Athletics your role is critical to the success of any activity and in carrying out the assigned responsibilities you are expected to: -Refrain from using tobacco products within the arena and/or competition area and only in designated areas if such are provided. -Refrain from entering the competition area and/or arena under the influence of alcohol. -Work in a spirit of cooperation with other volunteers/officials and do not interfere in any way with their duties and responsibilities. -Act in a manner that will bring credit to the Athletics Community and yourself, both inside and outside the competition arena and/or area. -Volunteers are not to encourage athletes to consume drugs, alcohol or intoxicants. -Be courteous to fellow volunteers, officials, athletes, coaches and the general public. -Refrain from the use of threatening, obscene, abusive or vulgar language to fellow volunteers, officials, athletes, coaches and the general public. -Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity regardless of a person’s culture, color, ancestry, nationality, age, political beliefs, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, gender or sexual orientation. -Refrain from public criticism of fellow volunteers, coaches, officials or athletes. -Refrain from harassing any individual or engaging in any unwelcome visual, verbal or physical conduct. -Project a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards the event, the sponsors, supporters and the job assigned, approaching these duties with a professional attitude. -Be courteous, cooperative and discreet -Be prepared to do the job assigned to you.willingly, fairly and impartially. -Report for the assigned duty on time, be well groomed. -Respect the athlete’s dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable. (Please refer to the BC Athletics Harassment Policy) -Individuals Volunteering for a position in BC Athletics sanctioned/approved activity/competition are advised that by doing so they are agreeing to adhere to this and other policies, rules, regulations, by-laws and constitution of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics. I have read the above statements and agree to abide by the PETC Volunteers’ Code of Conduct.