2023 Battle of the Border High School Meet
Kamloops, British Columbia
April 29th, 2023

Participating Clubs: 38 | Unattached Athletes: 5

  • A L FortuneAbbotsford Christian Secondary School
    Aberdeen Hall Prep SchoolCa:Crescent Heights
    Cedar Community SchoolClarence Fulton Secondary
    Dr Knox Middle SchoolDuchess Park Secondary School
    George ElliotHeritage Christian On-Line
    Immaculata HSKalamalka Secondary School
    Kamloops Christian SchoolKelowna Christian
    Kelowna Secondary SchoolKing's Christian School
    Lord ByngMerritt Secondary
    Mount BoucherieNkwala School
    North Shuswap ElementaryOkanagan Mission
    Penticton High SchoolPeter Skene Ogden Secondary
    Pleasant ValleyPrince George School
    Revelstoke Secondary SchoolSa-Hali Secondary
    Salmon Arm Secondary - JacksonSalmon Arm Secondary - Sullivan
    Secondaire de KamloopsSelkirk School
    South Kamloops SecondaryValleyview Secondary
    Vernon ChristianVernon Secondary School
    Westsyde SecondaryWL Seaton