Hamilton 100m and 1500m Night powered by New Balance - POSTPONED MEET

Hamilton 100m and 1500m Night powered by New Balance - POSTPONED MEET

June 14th, 2024Hamilton, Ontario

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
June 14th, 2024 2:00pm (Eastern Time)Registration Closed
Registration Fees

Free Registration!

Other Information

Hamilton 100m and 1500m Night powered by New Balance - POSTPONED RACE
June 14, 2024 - 9:00pm

Events: 1500m

Please Note:
- All athletes who's heats were postponed due to weather will be automatically re-entered. If your heat was postponed and you are not able to or do not wish to run on June 14th please email harbourtrackclub@gmail.com to request a scratch and refund. Any athletes whos heat was postponed will be eligible for a refund if requested.
- We are also offering free entry to any 1500m entrants who raced and would like to race again on June 14th. Please re-enter through this entry portal.
- All entries through this portal will be reviewed and manually approved to confirm the athletes raced the 1500m on June 13th. As such, entries will not appear on the confirmation list.
- A revised schedule and heat sheets will be shared via email after entries close at 2:00pm on June 14th. A preliminary schedule has been included on the registration webpage.
- All entered seed times of 3:50 or faster for men and 4:30 or faster for women will be verified
- Location and date for seed time verification is only required for Elite section entries (3:50 or faster for men and 4:30 or faster for women)
- Please contact Jeff Tweedle (harbourtrackclub@gmail.com) if you or a member of your club is interested in pacing an Elite section
- All events are run as Open - athletes must be U16 or older to register