University of Waterloo

Waterloo, ON

liste d’équipe - University of Waterloo


Nom Sexe Birthdate Program Elig. Lieu de résidence
Baranoski, LucasM2003
Bortoff, ZachM0000
Corley, ShaneM1996Computer Science2New London, NH
Dandenault, TuckerM0000
Dean, CameronM0000
Gbenjo, DavidM2004Biomedical Sciences1Kitchener
Hoerner, AlexM0000
Hoftyzer, ChristopherM0000
Huras, AdamM2002Mechatronics Engineering2New Hamburg
Lawson, FelixM0000
Lysack, JonathanM2003Pure Mathematics2Brandon
Mu, StevenM2004Computer Engineering1Waterloo
Peterson, HenrikM0000
Richardson, AdamM0000Computer Science1Ottawa
Richardson, AdamM0000
Sharma, JaiM2002Economics1
Smith, NathanielM0000
Bourque, KennedyF0000
Breedon, PaigeF2002
Glaab, GraceF0000
Granstrom, KatherinF0000
McGowan, AlexandraF0000
Murray, ElyssaF0000
Randall, AlyssaF0000
Schearer, ElizabethF0000
Schindler, NicoleF2002Kinesiology2Waterloo
So, GloriaF2003Biomedical EngineeringMarkham
Symon, ElliotF2003
Vincent, ChloeF2005
Yi, JessicaF0000