Lara Collins - McGill University

  • Position Athlète
  • Birthdate 2005
  • Year of Study 1
  • Eligibility 1
  • Lieu de résidence Ottawa, ON

Performances 2024/25

Épreuve Perf. Compétition Date
60 Metre Haies10.27Martlet Open30 nov
Lancer du poids7.46mVert&Or Invitation 202511 jan
Saut en hauteur1.40mVert&Or Invitation 202511 jan
Saut en longueur4.46mVert&Or Invitation 202511 jan
60 Metre Haies10.07McGill Team Challenge 202524 jan
Pentathlon2543ptsMcGill Team Challenge 202524 jan
Lancer du poids7.77mMcGill Team Challenge 202524 jan
Saut en longueur4.72mMiddlebury invitational8 fév
60 Metre Haies9.89Middlebury invitational8 fév
Pentathlon2685pts^Championnat RSEQ21 fév
60 Metre Haies9.53Championnat RSEQ21 fév
Saut en hauteur1.42mChampionnat RSEQ21 fév
Lancer du poids7.89mChampionnat RSEQ21 fév
800 Metre (non ranking)2:42.41Championnat RSEQ21 fév

Performances 2023/24

Épreuve Perf. Compétition Date
60 Metre8.57Vert et Or invitation13 jan
600 Metre1:49.07*Vert et Or invitation13 jan
60 Metre Haies11.35McGill Team Challenge 202426 jan
300 Metre45.07McGill Team Challenge 202426 jan
300 Metre44.81Carleton Ravens U-Sport Last Chance16 fév
60 Metre Haies9.69Carleton Ravens U-Sport Last Chance16 fév
60 Metre Haies9.46Championnat RSEQ23 fév
300 Metre44.15*Championnat RSEQ23 fév

liste d’équipe - McGill University


Nom Sexe Birthdate Program Elig. Lieu de résidence
Adams, SeanM20031State College, PA
Adebisi, FoluM20061Halifax
Banks, JonahM20051Ottawa
Beaudry, SimonM20041Laval
Bragg, ErnestM20041Luxembourg
Burg, JeremyM20004St. Bruno
Chapple, DevinM20031
Crooks, AlexanderM2003
Dernoncourt, SachaM20051Baton Rouge, LA
Elrimawi-Fine, NoahM20011
Evuleocha, StephenM00001
Fitzgerald, DavidM20011
Gates, BenM20061Regina, Saskatchewan
Gerstner, RobertM20024Winnipeg, Manitoba
Gregoire, OlivierM20021
Haddad, PhilippeM1999
Hepworth, SamuelM20041Montreal
Hidalgo-Gonzalez, EstebanM20041Brooklyn, NY
Jacques, JeromeM20021Rive-Sud, QC
Jagger, HenryM20061Vancouver
Kiernan, AlistairM20051New York
Kohls, GuyM20041ON
Koran, FredericM20041
Lee, JonahM20024ON
Levenson, LucasM20061Toronto
Louvet, LucienM20051NYC, NY
Malone, MatthewM20051
Marks de Chabris, BenjaminM20061Toronto
Mazzella, JustinM20031Montreal
McGonigal, KiltyM20011
McIntyre, FionnM20051Toronto
Messenger-Jones, LucaM20031Manchester, UK
Mignault, EmileM20031Quebec
Moonsamy, KrescynM20051Vancouver, BC
Morales, BenjaminM20061Seattle
Nicoletti, LucaM20041Ottawa, ON
Olowe, TemitayoM20021Montreal, QC
Percopo, RicardoM20001
Picard, SimonM20031
Pindar, EmmettM20061Ottawa
Renard, CedricM20051Paris, France
Rocheleau, FrancoisM19974Montreal
Sanders, WilliamM20061Ottawa
Stanley, JackM19992
Weldon, JacobM20011Montreal
Yetman, JayM20051Ottawa
Ajibola, MercyF20061Winnipeg
Billaud, MarieF20011Paris, France
Bortolato, JulieF20041Mountain View, California
Bourenane, CyliaF2005Gatineau, QC
Brown, AshleighF20031Toronto, ON
Burkard, AnnikaF19983Germany
Cattana, SimoneF20041
Cole, AlexandraF20061Toronto
Collins, LaraF20051Ottawa, ON
Courville, SophieF20031Montreal, QC
Durno, EllaF20051Ottawa, ON
Dusseault, BiankaF2003Terrebonne, QC
El Mairy, RebeccaF20061Montreal
Ferracci, MiaF20061Monaco, France
Fitzpatrick, ArowynF2005Chemical Engineering1Orangeville, ON
Flaviano, LeilaF20031Quebec City, QC
Gardiner, ZoeF2003Ottawa, ON
Gilmour, AudreyF20031
Gilroy, KiaraF2007Tahiti
Glasgow, AbeneF20061Toronto
Hopkins, LeilaF20051
Ikhlef, LinaF20011
Jeong, MinjiF20051Montreal
Jones, JadeF20061Toronto
Lu Langley, VanessaF20021
Lukashenkova Pellar, SophieF20031
Matheson, SiennaF20051Kingston, ON
McIntosh, AbbyF20031
Miller, MegF20061Ottawa
Mitchell, ElizabethF20061Vancouver
Morrison, ChloeF20031
Mukerji, ChelseaF20041Port of Spain, Trinidad
Ntambue, DonnaF20013Montreal, QC
Oberlander, SophieF20051Toronto, ON
Purves, KatieF20061Ottawa
Rashid-Cocker, SophieF20031
Roest, EmilyF20021
Ross-McLennan, LolaF20031Vancoouver, BC
Sanogo, KaelieF20041Laval, QC
Taburet, LisonF2004Paris, France
Urness, EmmaF20041My. Tremblant
Veilleux, EmmaF20041Montreal
Veilleux, SofiaF20041Montreal
Villeneuve, EllaF20031Vermont
Walton-Knight, BethanyF20031
Warcholak, RebeccaF20051Toronto, ON
Smailbegovic, Ena2006Toronto