Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
Par épreuve | 80,00$ (Membres seulement) |
Par épreuve | 100,00$ (Non-membres seulement) |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
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Les autres informations
With the 2023 World Championships and Paris 2024 Olympics around the corner, the Push to Podium Project is providing an in person session on wheelchair racing. The session looks to help coaches identify performance gaps within a program and develop strategies to help to maximize performance.
The session includes:
*Optimal athlete positioning
*Optimal equipment
*Identifying elements of a training plan to achieve world class outcome
*Considerations for coaching athletes within different sport classes
Leaders Include:
* Coach Arno Mul - Head Coach - Netherlands Para Athletics and coach of Canada's Brett Lakatos
*Roel van der Hooft - Netherland's Sports Engineer specializing in Wheelchair customization.
Location: Athletics Canada’s West Hub (PISE) -Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (4371 Interurban Rd, Victoria BC, V9E 2C5, Canada)
September 15th
0900 -1200hrs - Track Session
1200-1300hrs - Lunch break
1300-1700hrs Classroom presentation