Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 50,00$ par participation |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Méthodes de paiement
Documents supplémentaires
Les autres informations
This course is hosted by co-hosted by BC Athletics and the City of Victoria
When: Friday 27th , 5:30pm -9:00pm
Where: Oak Bay Recreation Centre
Cost for non-BC Athletics Members: $50.
BC Athletics Members register here: www.trackiereg.com/SCpenticton
By successfully completing the 4 hour Make Ethical Decisions workshop you will be fully equipped to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence and surety. MED is one of the NCCP’s cornerstone workshops, and leaves coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough. Upon completing the MED module you’ll be able to:
• analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications; and
• apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to properly respond to each situation in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.