Tarif et dates limites
Date limite régulière :
31 mars 2025 23h59 (Heure de l'Est)Inscriptions ouvertes
Frais d’inscription
Winter III Pour : 1 Practice per week | 156,50$ |
Winter III Pour : 2 Practices per week | 278,00$ |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Méthodes de paiement
En ligne, Sur place, Par chèque
Les autres informations
Winter III
March 3- April 12, 2025
6 weeks
Monday 5:30pm-7:00pm
Tuesday 5:30pm-7:00pm
Thursday 5:30pm-7:00pm
Location: Aberdeen Pavilion
1000 Exhibition Way, Ottawa, ON K1S 5J3
1 Practice per week-$156.50
2 Practices per week-$278.00
TIP cards
Please choose Other Methods, On Site when you arrive at the payment section.
Please contact the office after registration is completed and 2wk free amount will be calculated by the office and you can then pay in cash or cheq at practice or by e-transfer to payments@ottawalions.com (The name of child and program name MUST be in the e-transfer message body)