Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 105,00$ par participation |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Les autres informations
The Athlete Awards Banquet will be held at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown after the completion of 2019 RCA National Rowing Championship racing on Saturday, September 28th. The banquet will include medal presentation ceremonies and a dinner.
Reception: 5:30pm – 6pm
Banquet: 6pm – 9pm
Location: 6083 McKay Ave., Burnaby BC V5H 2W7, Crystal Ballroom, Hilton Vancouver Metrotown
Dress Code: Cocktail
Tickets for athletes are automatically included in their entry fees. Tickets for coxswains, coaches, staff, parents, and supporters must be purchased separately for $105 each ($100 plus 5% tax).
No physical tickets will be printed. Upon arrival at the Athlete Awards Banquet, all attendees will check in at a registration table to confirm tickets and seating chart assignments.
The Athlete Awards Banquet is made possible by donations from individuals across the rowing community just like you! Find out more about becoming a donor at www.rowingbc.ca/2019donate.