Karate BC NCCP Instruction Beginner Course

Karate BC NCCP Instruction Beginner Course

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29-30 mars 2025West Coast Gojukai - #3-3160, Westwood Street, Port Coquitlam, Colombie-Britannique

The dojo instructor, both new and experienced, would benefit from this course. It is intended for instructors who teach students who are usually beginners or not very experienced. The focus is on fundamentals and skill development within a rather short timeframe of interaction between the instructor and the participants (such as 1 or 2 classes weekly). This course appeals to a broad range of instructor and provides the basic building blocks of instruction as set out by the NCCP Karate Canada program.

Participants who complete this course will be Instructors In-Training and may go on to complete Instructor Certification or transition in the NCCP Competition stream to become a Trained or Certified Coach. The Instruction Beginner Portfolio is located here: https://karatecanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/0...

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