Tarif et dates limites
Date limite régulière :
22 février 2024 23h59 (Heure de l'Atlantique)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
Frais additionnels
Frais pour non membres | 25,00$ |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Les autres informations
The course will take place at Kings Edgehill School on Sunday, Feb 25th. The course will run from 2:00pm-5:00pm.
FREE for all Athletics NS members and only $25 for non-members.
This course provides RJTW leaders with the skills and tools they need to lead sessions ranging from 1-day fun days to day camp programs to once- or twice-a-week programs offered over a few months, in a club or in school. It introduces track and field through fundamental movement skills with games to reinforce those skills.