Tarif et dates limites
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Frais additionnels
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Politique de remboursement : AUCUN frais N’EST REMBOURSABLE.
Documents supplémentaires
Les autres informations
The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and the Mayor of the City of Brampton along with a number of Brampton City councillors will be in attendance to participate in the opening ceremonies for the 2019 MTA Outdoor Championship Games. There will be a Legion Colour Party, Honour Guard and a Vice Regal Salute with pipes and drums as part of the opening ceremonies. The Commanding Officer of the Legion is requesting the following;
One (1) male and one (1) female athlete (if possible) representative from each participating club will walk with a banner or flag (to be no more than 4’L x 2’W) representing their respective club. We ask that you please select your athlete representative and provide us with their names by sending this information to bramptonracerstrackclub@gmail.com no later than 5:00pm July 24, 2019.