Athletics For All & Run Jump Throw Wheel - Provincial Finale

Athletics For All & Run Jump Throw Wheel - Provincial Finale

13 juillet 2024Moncton, NB, Nouveau-Brunswick

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
10 juillet 2024 23h59 (Heure de l'Est)Inscriptions ouvertes
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Tous les tarif sont en CAD $

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Les autres informations

In December 2023 Athletics Canada announced a new $350,000 grant program titled, “Athletics for All”, designed to remove barriers and increase sport participation for two targeted populations: newcomers to Canada and athletes with a disability.

Athletics New Brunswick has successfully applied for part of the grant and is committed to realizing the vision of “Athletics For All” by emphasizing inclusivity, community engagement, accessibility, skill development, integration, awareness, and advocacy in athletics. Through a multifaceted approach including regional events, a provincial finale, teacher and coach skills clinics, and strategic partnerships with organizations like the Saint John Reds Track Club and ParaSport NB, ANB aims to make athletics accessible to individuals with diverse backgrounds, including newcomers and persons with disabilities.

These initiatives foster a sense of belonging and community engagement, while providing opportunities for skill development and social integration. With support from grants, sponsorships, and in-kind contributions, the Athletics For All programming is offered free to all participants, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder access to the sport. By promoting physical activity and well-being and breaking down barriers to participation, ANB is actively contributing to a more inclusive and diverse athletics community across Canada.

This will be our Provincial FInale of these events for the Outdoor Season!

Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Events offered:

100m-Learn to sprint
Shot Put - Learn to Throw
High Jump & Long Jump - Learn To Jump
100m - Competition
Shot Put- Competition
Long Jump- Competition
800m- Competition

Entry is Free!