2024 Holiday Relays - Ottawa Travel

2024 Holiday Relays - Ottawa Travel

7 décembre 2024Canton, Ontario

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
6 décembre 2024 23h59 (Heure de l'Est)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
Tarif 45,00$ par participation

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $

Méthodes de paiement

En ligne

Les autres informations

Kicking off the indoor season!
We will make our traditional trip down to Canton, New York for their indoor home opener (the one where you can win Christmas Tree Ornaments).
This is a great way to test out how the base season has gone and for athletes to get use to racing on the compact indoor 200m track.
VALID PASSPORTS are required!
International athletes, please make sure you have your passport and additional documentation needed to return (visa, residency etc.).