PETF - HS Distance Track Spring 2025 Club fees

Registering a family? Please contact us at before you register for a discount code. The discount is valid for registration in the regular JD and HS groups.

This registration form is for High School Athletes (2011-2007) and Open Athletes (2006 and older) participating in the DISTANCE program.

If you are looking for the Power-Speed High School registration, please go to :
If you are looking for the JD registration (2016-2012), please go to :

Practices for the distance group will be:
Monday 5:30-7pm
Tuesday 5:30-7pm
Wednesday 5:30-7pm
Thursday 5:30-7pm
Saturday morning TBA
Locations may vary between the Pen High Track, McNicoll's Park Track, King's Park Field, and some hills training.
Exact times and locations will vary a bit and will be posted to our calendar website on Sunday evenings for the coming week. Please refer to it regularly.

First practice: Monday March 3rd
Practices will run until U18 National Championships on Aug 9-10th
Membership for High School athletes includes club practices, entry fees for 4 meets (1 OAC Twilight meet, Jack Brow, Provincial Championships and one extra meet to be discussed with your coach), club t-shirt.
Membership for Open athletes only includes club practices and t-shirt, entry fees to meets are payable by the athlete.

Refund policy: refund of the membership fees will be issued if asked via email before the 4th practice after the registration date, minus an admin fee of $50.

# of individuals you want to register
* Required fields

Athlete's information

/ /
No category for this age.

Parent/Guardian Information

Other Information

Membership type

Notice: You have reached your maximum number of individual entries for this registrant.
There are no available categories for the age of this registrant.


Penticton Athlete's Code of Conduct

In registering as an Athlete Member (all types) of BC Athletics and within the context of the activities of Athletics an individual agrees to take part in a spirit of fair play, honesty and within the rules and regulations of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics.

As such the Athlete member is expected to:

-Compete/participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty.

-Compete/participate within the rules of Athletics.

-Avoid the use, advocating, condoning, promotion and distribution of banned substances, cases and methods as outlined in the handbook on Drug Classification published by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport.

-Refrain from using tobacco products within the competition arena and/or competition area.

-Refrain from using alcohol at athletic events (Athletics and other sport activities) or in victory celebrations at the competition site.

-Refrain from using profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the context of the activities of Athletics.

-Address fellow athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, event organizers, spectators and others associated with Athletics in a courteous and respectful manner.

-Act in a manner that will bring credit to the Athletics Community and yourself, both within and outside the competition arena and/or competition area.

-Respect an individual’s dignity; verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment, abuse, or bullying are unacceptable. (Please refer to the BC Athletics Harassment Policy)

-Ensure the safety of others when taking part in your Athletics activity.

Individuals registering as Athlete members of BC Athletics are advised that by doing so they are agreeing to adhere to this and other policies, rules, regulations, by-laws and constitution of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics.

I have read the above statements and agree to abide by the PETF Athletes’ Code of Conduct.


An individual who accepts the position of VOLUNTEER within the context of the activities of Athletics, agrees to accept the responsibilities as outlined to them and will complete the duties for the agreed to period. As a volunteer in Athletics your role is critical to the success of any activity and in carrying out the assigned responsibilities you are expected to:

-Refrain from using tobacco products within the arena and/or competition area and only in designated areas if such are provided.

-Refrain from entering the competition area and/or arena under the influence of alcohol.

-Work in a spirit of cooperation with other volunteers/officials and do not interfere in any way with their duties and responsibilities.

-Act in a manner that will bring credit to the Athletics Community and yourself, both inside and outside the competition arena and/or area.

-Volunteers are not to encourage athletes to consume drugs, alcohol or intoxicants.

-Be courteous to fellow volunteers, officials, athletes, coaches and the general public.

-Refrain from the use of threatening, obscene, abusive or vulgar language to fellow volunteers, officials, athletes, coaches and the general public.

-Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity regardless of a person’s culture, color, ancestry, nationality, age, political beliefs, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, gender or sexual orientation.

-Refrain from public criticism of fellow volunteers, coaches, officials or athletes.

-Refrain from harassing any individual or engaging in any unwelcome visual, verbal or physical conduct.

-Project a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards the event, the sponsors, supporters and the job assigned, approaching these duties with a professional attitude.

-Be courteous, cooperative and discreet

-Be prepared to do the job assigned to you.willingly, fairly and impartially.

-Report for the assigned duty on time, be well groomed.

-Respect the athlete’s dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable. (Please refer to the BC Athletics Harassment Policy)

-Individuals Volunteering for a position in BC Athletics sanctioned/approved activity/competition are advised that by doing so they are agreeing to adhere to this and other policies, rules, regulations, by-laws and constitution of BC Athletics, Athletics Canada and World Athletics.

I have read the above statements and agree to abide by the PETF Volunteers’ Code of Conduct.

Waiver Clause

In consideration of your accepting my child’s application for membership in the Penticton Track and Field Club (the “Club”), I forever release and discharge the Club, its directors, officers, coaches, employees and agents (collectively the ‘participants’) from any and all actions, damages, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which might arise by reason of travelling to or from or participating in training session or competitions whether or not incurred by the negligence of a Participant, and I agree to indemnify and save harmless the Participants, their personal representatives, successors and assigns, against and from all damages, claims, demands, costs and expenses which may hereafter be brought or made against them by or on behalf of myself/my child because of travelling to or from or participating in training sessions or competitions whether or not incurred by the negligence or any of the Participants, except to the extent and amount covered by accident or liability insurance or both.

I have read the above statements and agree to accept the waiver clause.

BC Athletics Sport Safety/Acknowledgement of Risk

BC Athletics Sport Safety/Acknowledgement of Risk

The responsibility for sport safety must be shared by all. I, undersigned, am aware that there is a certain risk of injury involved in my own or my child's own participation in sport, either while traveling to or from the event; or while attending or participating in the programs or activities of the events which are sanctioned/approved by BC Athletics, its Divisions, its Member Clubs, or Recognized Organizing Societies. It is understood by me, that the signing of this document is intended to indicate that on behalf of myself, and or my child, I assume the shared responsibility and acknowledge the risk of injury by so participating.

I have read the above statements and agree to accept the waiver clause.

Canadian Anti-Doping

Canadian Anti-Doping

Athletics Canada has adopted the 2009 Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), which is the set of rules that govern doping control in Canada. Administered by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES), the CADP applies to members of Athletics Canada and participants in Athletics Canada sanctioned activities. All members of AC, whether in the role of athletes or athlete support personnel, are subject to the CADP. By signing below, I acknowledge that I am a member of Athletics Canada and I am aware that the CADP applies to me and I consent to its application to me. For further information, please visit the Athlete Zone on CCES website:

I have read the above statements and agree to accept the waiver clause.

SafeSport by Athletics Canada on Promotion, Prevention and Response

Safe Sport by Athletics Canada on Promotion, Prevention and Response

Please click on the link provided and read through the material by Safe Sport by Athletics Canada on Promotion, Prevention and Response. As per the site:

Athletics Canada's Safe Sport Policies aim to ensure a safe and positive environment within Athletics Canada’s programs, activities and events by making individuals aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate and respectful behaviour consistent with Athletics Canada’s core values of physical and emotional health and fitness, individual excellence and personal growth, individual development beyond sport, inclusiveness and integrity. Athletics Canada supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness.

We strongly encourage all members, including branch representatives, coaches, athletes and their support teams, to read the full policies regarding code of conduct and ethics.

I have read Safe Sport by Athletics Canada on Promotion, Prevention and Response found at:

Photograph Waiver

Permission To Use Photographs

I, the parent or legal guardian of the registered athlete(s) grant Penticton Track and Field Club permission to use the photographs taken of the registered athlete(s) during track

and field practice and at track and field events for promotional, social media, and website content.

I have read the above statements and agree to accept the waiver clause.