ONPARA Board Member/Staff/Parent (not available for registrants age)
ONPARA Board Member/Staff/Parent
Volunteer (not available for registrants age)
Upon acceptance as a member of the Ontario Para Network (“ONPARA”), the applicant agrees to the rules and procedures of ONPARA as approved through rules, by-laws, policies and regulations. By- laws and policies are available for review on ONPARA’s website www.onpara.ca. It is understood and agreed that ONPARA and/or any of its officials, affiliates or sponsors do not assume responsibility for any injury, damage, or loss resulting from any accident from known or unknown conditions howsoever caused.
I have read and agree to the above *
Occasionally, ONPARA, the press, and other organizations request permission to take photographs and/or video for ONPARA publicity, fundraising and/or website purposes. I agree to photographs and/or video being used for the above purposes on an ongoing basis. Should I no longer wish to have the photographs and/or videotapes used for publicity, fundraising and/or the ONPARA website, I will contact ONPARA in writing stating my wish to limit or void this consent.
I have read and agree to the above *
Rowan’s Law makes it mandatory, as of July 1, 2019, for sport organizations to ensure that athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, coaches, team trainers and officials confirm every year that they have reviewed Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources, as well as establish a Concussion Code of Conduct that sets out rules of behaviour to support concussion prevention. Documents are available on the Membership page at www.onpara.ca
For athletes under the age of 18, Rowan’s Law requires 2 confirmations – one from the athlete and one from the parent/guardian
I have read and agree to the above *
Digital signature (type your name exactly as entered above "registrants name")*