2023 Western Open

2023 Western Open

November 4th, 2023Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
October 28th, 2023 11:59pm (Newfoundland Time)Registration Closed
Registration Fees
Per ratings event
For: Female 19+, Male U-40, Male 40+, Senior Male Team Qualifier, Senior Female Team Qualifier
Per ratings event
For: Under 15, Under 19

All prices in CAD $

Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies

Other Information

Please note the registration prices actually reflect the total cost of registration for 2 events. A Senior player registering for both an Age event and a Ratings event will be charged $20 plus applicable fees, while a Junior player will be charged $18 plus fees for the two events. If a player wants to play in only one event, you will have to pay the total registration fee. Contact us after and we'll refund the cost of one of the events.

This event is taking place in the gym at Corner Brook Regional High School (Corner Brook, NL).

- 8:30 am
Competition - 9:00 am