- How do I cancel or change my registration for an event that I signed up for?
Log in to your account by clicking the "My Account" label located at the top right of this site and sign in. If you're already signed in, a drop-down menu will appear.
Go to "My Registrations" on the left panel of the screen, or the "View My Registrations" from the drop-down menu.
Click on the GREEN (+) More Info box to the left of the event that you want to change or cancel.
Click the BLUE pen found to the left of your name if you want to make a change. Click the RED X if you want to cancel a registration. If you have registered for more than one division (date, time , etc.), you can pick the specific one you want to remove.
See video for how this looks at: https://vimeo.com/764875704/02fece9a23
2. How can I see how many have signed up and who?
1. Log in to your account by clicking the "My Account" label located at the top right of this site and sign in. If you're already signed in, a drop-down menu will appear.
2. Click on: "My Registrations" from the drop-down menu or from the left panel of the screen.
3. Click on your Event highlighted in BLUE that you're interested in.
4. On the left of the screen you've been taken to, you'll see "Confirmation List, Total Registrants and View" Click on the GREEN "view" button.
5. Scroll down to the date you registered for. The number of entries and the player's names will show.
3. Do you offer lessons?
Although the BVPA does not offer lessons, some of our Novice sessions are mentored by experienced Advanced players, and some Intermediate/Advanced sessions are scheduled as mentor assisted Skills & Drills sessions. BVPA also schedules clinics run by professional pickleball coaches during our outdoor season.
As well, BVPA offers free Try It sessions for non-members throughout the year. No equipment required - we supply the paddles, balls and instruction.