Bow Valley Pickleball Association

QUICK links for Members (just CLICK on the blue links)

Our AGM was held on Thursday February 20, 2025. We welcome three new Board members (Leanne French, Darryl Stann and Therese Rogers) to join the returning Board members (Sheila Churchill, Bill Foden, Doris Foden, Mike Layton and Rosie Neil). Huge thanks to our retiring Board members - Doug Thomson, Helen Thomson and Michelle Vincent. For the full Board roster and their bios, plus our Committees, see the "About Us" tab.

Not a member but want to try pickleball?  BVPA is offering 2 free TRY IT sessions, March 16. Limited to 8 participants per session. Click HERE to register.

Calendar of Indoor Winter (January-February) Sessions - click  HERE

Calendar of Indoor Spring (March-April) Sessions - click HERE. Tickets go on sale Monday February 24 with sign-up Wednesday February 26. Check your e-Newsletter or the News tab for more details.

Having issues purchasing ticket packs or signing-up to play? Or want to buy a $10 drop-in session? (members only) Check your e-newsletters for the level specific links, or email: or 

2024 Official Rulebook can be found HERE

Join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association ("BVPA")

2025 Memberships are on sale for $100! Click the JOIN-RENEW button above. Membership is valid from date of purchase until December 31, 2025.

Our Indoor Program is offered in three sessions (November-December, January-February and March-April) in Room 200, Canmore Rec Center on 2 courts. Indoor play is run on a cost recovery basis, by pre-selling virtual "ticket packs", with online registration for play at your skill level. Members only.

"Tickets" for the indoor SPRING (March-April) 2025 session went on sale February 24 with registration for play on February 26. The 8 and 5 ticket packs for Intermediate and Advanced are sold out, however single ticket purchases are still available. At the Novice level, both the 5 ticket packs and single ticket are available. For links to purchase tickets or register to play, check your e-newsletter. 

Our Outdoor Program runs from mid-May to mid-October. All regularly scheduled outdoor play is included with your 2025 membership fee. Outdoor play is held at two locations, Veterans Park and Larch multi-purpose rink. Member sign-up opens every Thursday for the following week.

Most of our play is levelled round robin play: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. We also offer Intermediate Box and Advanced-EPC for some more competitive play, plus Same Partner Doubles play.


As an Alberta-born institution, ATB celebrates and invests in organizations, festivals and events that make Alberta an amazing place to live. Their sponsorships are so much more than just putting their logo on our website or raising our banner at our events. They’re about bringing ATB’s brand closer to Albertans by uniting them in their communities around the passions they love and strengthening their relationship with them. Pickleball is one such passion and they're proud to be associated with the Bow Valley Pickleball Association.

Join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association ("BVPA")

2025 Memberships are on sale for $100! Click the JOIN-RENEW button above. Membership is valid from date of purchase until December 31, 2025.

Our Indoor Program is offered in three sessions (November-December, January-February and March-April) in Room 200, Canmore Rec Center on 2 courts. Indoor play is run on a cost recovery basis, by pre-selling virtual "ticket packs", with online registration for play at your skill level. Members only.

"Tickets" for the indoor SPRING (March-April) 2025 session went on sale February 24 with registration for play on February 26. The 8 and 5 ticket packs for Intermediate and Advanced are sold out, however single ticket purchases are still available. At the Novice level, both the 5 ticket packs and single ticket are available. For links to purchase tickets or register to play, check your e-newsletter. 

Our Outdoor Program runs from mid-May to mid-October. All regularly scheduled outdoor play is included with your 2025 membership fee. Outdoor play is held at two locations, Veterans Park and Larch multi-purpose rink. Member sign-up opens every Thursday for the following week.

Most of our play is levelled round robin play: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. We also offer Intermediate Box and Advanced-EPC for some more competitive play, plus Same Partner Doubles play.

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
Registration Opened
Registration Fees
Price $100.00 per entry

All prices in CAD $

Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies

Join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association ("BVPA")

2025 Memberships are on sale for $100! Click the JOIN-RENEW button above. Membership is valid from date of purchase until December 31, 2025.

Our Indoor Program is offered in three sessions (November-December, January-February and March-April) in Room 200, Canmore Rec Center on 2 courts. Indoor play is run on a cost recovery basis, by pre-selling virtual "ticket packs", with online registration for play at your skill level. Members only.

"Tickets" for the indoor SPRING (March-April) 2025 session went on sale February 24 with registration for play on February 26. The 8 and 5 ticket packs for Intermediate and Advanced are sold out, however single ticket purchases are still available. At the Novice level, both the 5 ticket packs and single ticket are available. For links to purchase tickets or register to play, check your e-newsletter. 

Our Outdoor Program runs from mid-May to mid-October. All regularly scheduled outdoor play is included with your 2025 membership fee. Outdoor play is held at two locations, Veterans Park and Larch multi-purpose rink. Member sign-up opens every Thursday for the following week.

Most of our play is levelled round robin play: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. We also offer Intermediate Box and Advanced-EPC for some more competitive play, plus Same Partner Doubles play.

Bow Valley Pickleball Association
  • Alberta & Canada 55 Plus Games

    Established in 1980, Alberta 55 plus is a not for profit, volunteer driven group of people that helps mature Albertans enjoy a healthy, vital future through active lifestyle choices. It promotes sports and recreation development for all Albertans 55 years of age and older. Membership includes Albertans from eight different zones of the province; Canmore and Banff are within Zone 2.

    The Canada 55 Plus National Games will be held in Winnipeg in August 2026. The path to those Games is to

    • Qualify out of Zone 2 – Cochrane April 29 2025;
    • Qualify out of Provincials in Summer Games – Leduc Aug 21-25 2025
    • Must be 55 years old by Dec 31 2025 to participate

    Grab your partner and join in the fun to represent BVPA!!

    March 10th, 2025
  • Indoor Tournament and Social News

    Our first Indoor Tournament date for 2025 has been set for April 12/13 so mark it on your calendars now. Your Play Committee is developing an interesting play format so stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

    And our illustrious Social Committee is planning another fun Social following tournament play on April 12! Save the dates now!

    For those of you who are wondering (and who isn’t?), this year we have no plans to replay last year’s spectacular Pickleball Palooza on July 1. The event was a monumental success last year but we cannot commit to events of that community wide scale year after year. Instead, we are going to focus our energy on smaller club based fun events and activities.

    February 2nd, 2025
  • How do I know how many sessions I have signed up for?

    So we've had a few folks bring up the question of how to figure out how many sessions they've signed up for? Fairly easy process, go the the Trackie page where you can see all the sessions and players within your division. Type your name in the BY REGISTRANT NAME box and click SEARCH. This will pull up and provide a count of those sessions you've signed up for.

    Couple of things to keep in mind - you would need to do this for your level page as well as the SPD page if you played in SPD; and a few people have variations in their name (Sue vs Susan) so make sure you check on all spellings.

    If you can't remember how many tickets or drop-in fees you've purchased, contact Sue Cowitz (

    If you've signed up for more sessions than you have tickets, you can: (1) cancel the extra sessions; (2) purchase tickets from someone else in your division (BVPA Facebook page is a great resource); or (3) pay a drop-in fee the day before a session (if there isn't a wait list).

    November 25th, 2024

    We have implemented a Youth Play program for qualified individuals. This initiative is headed up by Al and Ruth Shipton and has very clear qualifications and requirements stipulated. You can see the attendant documents and forms on our website under the Membership tab. There we have posted our Youth Membership Application Form and the Responsible Adult Application Form. If this is of interest to you, your first step is to carefully review the Forms and the requirements and then let me know of your interest. We expect to proceed on a case by case basis.

    July 16th, 2024

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
Registration Opened
Registration Fees
Price $100.00 per entry

All prices in CAD $

Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies

QUICK links for Members (just CLICK on the blue links)

Our AGM was held on Thursday February 20, 2025. We welcome three new Board members (Leanne French, Darryl Stann and Therese Rogers) to join the returning Board members (Sheila Churchill, Bill Foden, Doris Foden, Mike Layton and Rosie Neil). Huge thanks to our retiring Board members - Doug Thomson, Helen Thomson and Michelle Vincent. For the full Board roster and their bios, plus our Committees, see the "About Us" tab.

Not a member but want to try pickleball?  BVPA is offering 2 free TRY IT sessions, March 16. Limited to 8 participants per session. Click HERE to register.

Calendar of Indoor Winter (January-February) Sessions - click  HERE

Calendar of Indoor Spring (March-April) Sessions - click HERE. Tickets go on sale Monday February 24 with sign-up Wednesday February 26. Check your e-Newsletter or the News tab for more details.

Having issues purchasing ticket packs or signing-up to play? Or want to buy a $10 drop-in session? (members only) Check your e-newsletters for the level specific links, or email: or 

2024 Official Rulebook can be found HERE

Join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association ("BVPA")

2025 Memberships are on sale for $100! Click the JOIN-RENEW button above. Membership is valid from date of purchase until December 31, 2025.

Our Indoor Program is offered in three sessions (November-December, January-February and March-April) in Room 200, Canmore Rec Center on 2 courts. Indoor play is run on a cost recovery basis, by pre-selling virtual "ticket packs", with online registration for play at your skill level. Members only.

"Tickets" for the indoor SPRING (March-April) 2025 session went on sale February 24 with registration for play on February 26. The 8 and 5 ticket packs for Intermediate and Advanced are sold out, however single ticket purchases are still available. At the Novice level, both the 5 ticket packs and single ticket are available. For links to purchase tickets or register to play, check your e-newsletter. 

Our Outdoor Program runs from mid-May to mid-October. All regularly scheduled outdoor play is included with your 2025 membership fee. Outdoor play is held at two locations, Veterans Park and Larch multi-purpose rink. Member sign-up opens every Thursday for the following week.

Most of our play is levelled round robin play: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. We also offer Intermediate Box and Advanced-EPC for some more competitive play, plus Same Partner Doubles play.


Veterans Park (Outdoor Play)
925 9 Street
T1W 2B9
Veterans Park is found at the West end of Main St. (8th Street between 8th and 9th Streets.)
There are 4 permanently lined pickleball courts utilizing temporary nets provided by the BVPA for club sponsored events only. Traditional hard court surface. Please park on 8th Street when using the courts.

Larch Rink Courts (Outdoor Play).
1200 17 Street
T1W 1T4
Larch Rink is found in behind the townhouses on the west end of 17th Street, off of 11 Avenue. 2 permanent courts. 2 temporary courts. Concrete surface.

Canmore Recreation Center (Indoor Play)
Room 200, 1900-8 Ave
T1W 1Y2
2 indoor courts. Temporary nets used. Gymnasium flooring.

Bow Valley Pickleball Association
  • Alberta & Canada 55 Plus Games

    Established in 1980, Alberta 55 plus is a not for profit, volunteer driven group of people that helps mature Albertans enjoy a healthy, vital future through active lifestyle choices. It promotes sports and recreation development for all Albertans 55 years of age and older. Membership includes Albertans from eight different zones of the province; Canmore and Banff are within Zone 2.

    The Canada 55 Plus National Games will be held in Winnipeg in August 2026. The path to those Games is to

    • Qualify out of Zone 2 – Cochrane April 29 2025;
    • Qualify out of Provincials in Summer Games – Leduc Aug 21-25 2025
    • Must be 55 years old by Dec 31 2025 to participate

    Grab your partner and join in the fun to represent BVPA!!

    March 10th, 2025
  • Indoor Tournament and Social News

    Our first Indoor Tournament date for 2025 has been set for April 12/13 so mark it on your calendars now. Your Play Committee is developing an interesting play format so stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

    And our illustrious Social Committee is planning another fun Social following tournament play on April 12! Save the dates now!

    For those of you who are wondering (and who isn’t?), this year we have no plans to replay last year’s spectacular Pickleball Palooza on July 1. The event was a monumental success last year but we cannot commit to events of that community wide scale year after year. Instead, we are going to focus our energy on smaller club based fun events and activities.

    February 2nd, 2025
  • How do I know how many sessions I have signed up for?

    So we've had a few folks bring up the question of how to figure out how many sessions they've signed up for? Fairly easy process, go the the Trackie page where you can see all the sessions and players within your division. Type your name in the BY REGISTRANT NAME box and click SEARCH. This will pull up and provide a count of those sessions you've signed up for.

    Couple of things to keep in mind - you would need to do this for your level page as well as the SPD page if you played in SPD; and a few people have variations in their name (Sue vs Susan) so make sure you check on all spellings.

    If you can't remember how many tickets or drop-in fees you've purchased, contact Sue Cowitz (

    If you've signed up for more sessions than you have tickets, you can: (1) cancel the extra sessions; (2) purchase tickets from someone else in your division (BVPA Facebook page is a great resource); or (3) pay a drop-in fee the day before a session (if there isn't a wait list).

    November 25th, 2024

    We have implemented a Youth Play program for qualified individuals. This initiative is headed up by Al and Ruth Shipton and has very clear qualifications and requirements stipulated. You can see the attendant documents and forms on our website under the Membership tab. There we have posted our Youth Membership Application Form and the Responsible Adult Application Form. If this is of interest to you, your first step is to carefully review the Forms and the requirements and then let me know of your interest. We expect to proceed on a case by case basis.

    July 16th, 2024

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
Registration Opened
Registration Fees
Price $100.00 per entry

All prices in CAD $

Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies


If you are planning a visit to Canmore and are looking for opportunities to play pickleball while in Canmore, here's what you need to know -

1. Due to very limited indoor venue availability,  BVPA offers no indoor drop-in play for non-members.

    2. If you would like to play outdoors in season, our BVPA Guest Player Policy states that visitors (ages 18+) are welcome to join the play at their appropriate skill level as long as there is room in the event.

    We are organized by skill levels: Novice (2.5), Intermediate (3.0) and Advanced (3.5+). See QUICK Links on this webpage to see our Outdoor Play Schedule and location of play (Veterans or Larch)

    There is no online means for visitors to determine whether a given session has available spots. Instead, we ask visitors to come to the courts as per the Outdoor Play Schedule (see the Quick Links for the current month schedule) and if there is availability, you will gladly be welcomed to play with the BVPA members. Please choose the proper session for your realistic level of play and arrive at least 15 minutes early.

    There is a $10.00 fee per session to be paid in cash to the Session Captain. A liability waiver also needs to be read and signed prior to the start of play. Visiting players need to bring their own paddles.

    2. If you expect to play several times (outdoor and/or indoor) and you want to be able to sign-up for sessions, join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association and become a member. 2025 memberships are now on sale for $100. Membership includes all regularly scheduled 2025 outdoor play. Indoor play is scheduled on a cost recovery basis with pre-purchased "tickets".

    3. If you have your own playing group, paddles and balls (with/without your own net).

      Outdoor at Veterans Courts: If you have your own net, you can book Veterans Court by navigating your way through an extensive sign-up process found at Court fees are $20 per hour. These 4 courts are shared by pickleball and tennis and both have prebooked times set aside for their respective club play only. Outside of pre-booked club court times, there are available times for bookings by visitors.

      Outdoor at Larch Courts: If you do not have your own net, Larch multi-purpose rink has 2 permanent nets in place and is lined for 4 courts. Outside of pre-booked court times, Larch rink can be booked through the Town of Canmore. Cost is $12 for residents or $20 for non-residents. 

      Indoor play is at Canmore Recreation Centre: Booked through the Town of Canmore in Room 200 and is available for rent all year round. $74/hour for a private booking, two courts.


      If you are planning a visit to Canmore and are looking for opportunities to play pickleball while in Canmore, here's what you need to know -

      1. Due to very limited indoor venue availability,  BVPA offers no indoor drop-in play for non-members.

        2. If you would like to play outdoors in season, our BVPA Guest Player Policy states that visitors (ages 18+) are welcome to join the play at their appropriate skill level as long as there is room in the event.

        We are organized by skill levels: Novice (2.5), Intermediate (3.0) and Advanced (3.5+). See QUICK Links on this webpage to see our Outdoor Play Schedule and location of play (Veterans or Larch)

        There is no online means for visitors to determine whether a given session has available spots. Instead, we ask visitors to come to the courts as per the Outdoor Play Schedule (see the Quick Links for the current month schedule) and if there is availability, you will gladly be welcomed to play with the BVPA members. Please choose the proper session for your realistic level of play and arrive at least 15 minutes early.

        There is a $10.00 fee per session to be paid in cash to the Session Captain. A liability waiver also needs to be read and signed prior to the start of play. Visiting players need to bring their own paddles.

        2. If you expect to play several times (outdoor and/or indoor) and you want to be able to sign-up for sessions, join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association and become a member. 2025 memberships are now on sale for $100. Membership includes all regularly scheduled 2025 outdoor play. Indoor play is scheduled on a cost recovery basis with pre-purchased "tickets".

        3. If you have your own playing group, paddles and balls (with/without your own net).

          Outdoor at Veterans Courts: If you have your own net, you can book Veterans Court by navigating your way through an extensive sign-up process found at Court fees are $20 per hour. These 4 courts are shared by pickleball and tennis and both have prebooked times set aside for their respective club play only. Outside of pre-booked club court times, there are available times for bookings by visitors.

          Outdoor at Larch Courts: If you do not have your own net, Larch multi-purpose rink has 2 permanent nets in place and is lined for 4 courts. Outside of pre-booked court times, Larch rink can be booked through the Town of Canmore. Cost is $12 for residents or $20 for non-residents. 

          Indoor play is at Canmore Recreation Centre: Booked through the Town of Canmore in Room 200 and is available for rent all year round. $74/hour for a private booking, two courts.


          If you are planning a visit to Canmore and are looking for opportunities to play pickleball while in Canmore, here's what you need to know -

          1. Due to very limited indoor venue availability,  BVPA offers no indoor drop-in play for non-members.

            2. If you would like to play outdoors in season, our BVPA Guest Player Policy states that visitors (ages 18+) are welcome to join the play at their appropriate skill level as long as there is room in the event.

            We are organized by skill levels: Novice (2.5), Intermediate (3.0) and Advanced (3.5+). See QUICK Links on this webpage to see our Outdoor Play Schedule and location of play (Veterans or Larch)

            There is no online means for visitors to determine whether a given session has available spots. Instead, we ask visitors to come to the courts as per the Outdoor Play Schedule (see the Quick Links for the current month schedule) and if there is availability, you will gladly be welcomed to play with the BVPA members. Please choose the proper session for your realistic level of play and arrive at least 15 minutes early.

            There is a $10.00 fee per session to be paid in cash to the Session Captain. A liability waiver also needs to be read and signed prior to the start of play. Visiting players need to bring their own paddles.

            2. If you expect to play several times (outdoor and/or indoor) and you want to be able to sign-up for sessions, join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association and become a member. 2025 memberships are now on sale for $100. Membership includes all regularly scheduled 2025 outdoor play. Indoor play is scheduled on a cost recovery basis with pre-purchased "tickets".

            3. If you have your own playing group, paddles and balls (with/without your own net).

              Outdoor at Veterans Courts: If you have your own net, you can book Veterans Court by navigating your way through an extensive sign-up process found at Court fees are $20 per hour. These 4 courts are shared by pickleball and tennis and both have prebooked times set aside for their respective club play only. Outside of pre-booked club court times, there are available times for bookings by visitors.

              Outdoor at Larch Courts: If you do not have your own net, Larch multi-purpose rink has 2 permanent nets in place and is lined for 4 courts. Outside of pre-booked court times, Larch rink can be booked through the Town of Canmore. Cost is $12 for residents or $20 for non-residents. 

              Indoor play is at Canmore Recreation Centre: Booked through the Town of Canmore in Room 200 and is available for rent all year round. $74/hour for a private booking, two courts.

              Contact Us

              Website and Events Questions
              Membership Questions


              If you are planning a visit to Canmore and are looking for opportunities to play pickleball while in Canmore, here's what you need to know -

              1. Due to very limited indoor venue availability,  BVPA offers no indoor drop-in play for non-members.

                2. If you would like to play outdoors in season, our BVPA Guest Player Policy states that visitors (ages 18+) are welcome to join the play at their appropriate skill level as long as there is room in the event.

                We are organized by skill levels: Novice (2.5), Intermediate (3.0) and Advanced (3.5+). See QUICK Links on this webpage to see our Outdoor Play Schedule and location of play (Veterans or Larch)

                There is no online means for visitors to determine whether a given session has available spots. Instead, we ask visitors to come to the courts as per the Outdoor Play Schedule (see the Quick Links for the current month schedule) and if there is availability, you will gladly be welcomed to play with the BVPA members. Please choose the proper session for your realistic level of play and arrive at least 15 minutes early.

                There is a $10.00 fee per session to be paid in cash to the Session Captain. A liability waiver also needs to be read and signed prior to the start of play. Visiting players need to bring their own paddles.

                2. If you expect to play several times (outdoor and/or indoor) and you want to be able to sign-up for sessions, join the Bow Valley Pickleball Association and become a member. 2025 memberships are now on sale for $100. Membership includes all regularly scheduled 2025 outdoor play. Indoor play is scheduled on a cost recovery basis with pre-purchased "tickets".

                3. If you have your own playing group, paddles and balls (with/without your own net).

                  Outdoor at Veterans Courts: If you have your own net, you can book Veterans Court by navigating your way through an extensive sign-up process found at Court fees are $20 per hour. These 4 courts are shared by pickleball and tennis and both have prebooked times set aside for their respective club play only. Outside of pre-booked club court times, there are available times for bookings by visitors.

                  Outdoor at Larch Courts: If you do not have your own net, Larch multi-purpose rink has 2 permanent nets in place and is lined for 4 courts. Outside of pre-booked court times, Larch rink can be booked through the Town of Canmore. Cost is $12 for residents or $20 for non-residents. 

                  Indoor play is at Canmore Recreation Centre: Booked through the Town of Canmore in Room 200 and is available for rent all year round. $74/hour for a private booking, two courts.